Worship August 21, 2021
IMPORTANT: Please submit your contact information via our new website contact page at Contact.HollywoodAdventist.org. You will receive periodic church newsletter updates and relevant health-related announcements.
ORDER OF SERVICE // August 21, 2021
Prelude // Worship Team
Welcome // RJ
Song // Worship Team / Graves into Gardens
Praying the Word // Orville and Rachel / Psalm 51 (read along online)
Song // Worship Team / Champion
Hollywood Life // Yeshara
Offering Call // Terry
Song // Worship Team / Known
Sermon // Pastor Branden / I Want to Know What Love Is / 1st John 5
Closing Song // Worship Team / Sinking Deep
Benediction // RJ
Postlude // Worship Team
AUGUST SERIES // So This is Love (1st, 2nd and 3rd John). John continued to write letters to the churches, encouraging the followers of Jesus to love each other. But it isn’t always easy for us to discern what truly loving can look like when we are surrounded by so many counterfeits. To perfectly love each other in a community might be the hardest and greatest thing we can seek to accomplish in our lifetime. So John, we’re all ears, tell us how!
Book // John the Beloved by Darryl DelHousaye LINK
YouTube // The Bible Project: Letters of John - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3QkE6nKylM
SABBATH SCHOOL. Classes are changing to a new schedule. Regular participants will get updates directly from their teachers. If you would like to join a Sabbath morning class, please email info@hollywoodsda.org and we will connect you to our Sabbath School teachers!
Mid-Week Gathering // Wednesdays, 7-8pm - Go to Zoom.HollywoodAdventist.org or enter the room ID 931-208-5575
Other Zoom Ministry Gatherings // Family Ministries, Men's Ministry, The Well (Women’s Ministry), Sabbath Morning Adult Quarterly and Faithbuilders Classes, please email info@hollywoodsda.org.
PRAYER. If you need prayer, email us at pray@hollywoodsda.org.
CAN’T HEAR EASILY? Do you need access to amplified audio to hear the in-person worship program better? Ask a Connect Team member at the lobby doors and they will loan you one of the three audio assist devices we have available. You can use your own 3.5mm plug earbuds or borrow a headset.
GIVE ONLINE. Your support makes an eternal difference. You can give your tithes and offering online through AdventistGiving. Checks can be mailed directly to us at 1711 N. Van Ness Ave., Hollywood, CA 90028; please specify “Tithe” or “Local Church Offering” in the memo line. AdventistGiving.Org
Support on Kickstarter a new book written by Alicia Johnston, The Bible and LGBTQ Adventists. Visit her website for more information: www.aliciajohnston.com
SDA Kinship is an organization providing support and community for LGBTQ+ Adventists and their families. Contact Kirsten Salvador for more information, salvadkj@gmail.com on how to connect with them as an individual, family member or ally. www.sdakinship.org
If you are a parent of a child (of any age) who is in the process of coming out or already has come out, join Kirsten in a support group each month on the third Sunday at 9:30 am PST. Led by Kinship Friends & Family coordinators, John & Carolyn Wilt.
Do you have clothes you don’t need anymore? We maintain a donation-based clothing closet to provide freshly washed clothes to our shower guests needing a clean change. We are in constant need of new and gently used t-shirts, pants, socks, and new underwear for all genders. For donations during COVID-19 social distancing and closure mandate, please contact the church office by phone: (323) 462-0010 or email: info@hollywoodsda.org. Thank you for supporting our church’s ministry!
Join the church discord server to keep in touch with other members of the community. Sabbath mornings you can connect with people worshipping remotely. Staying connected to each other can be difficult even as we transition back to being more in person. discord.hollywoodadventist.org
ONE Sabbath peace and health be with you!
ALL And also with you!
ONE Let us pray: Grant us grace, God, because You are kind; in Your great mercy cleanse our mistakes.
ALL Wash away our guilt and purify us from our sins!
ONE Haunted by our failures, we know what we’ve done —and what we’ve left undone— all too well.
ALL We’ve sinned against You and our neighbor; we’ve done things that deny love.
ONE You would be justified in judging us and sentencing us.
ALL We’ve endured these sins since birth; the gravity of our parents’ mistakes weighs us down and holds us back.
ONE You want nothing more than for our hidden, wounded hearts to be healed by Your truth and Your wisdom.
ALL Purify us with healing salves and we will be clean; wash us with living waters and we will be whiter than snow.
ONE Let our souls reopen to gladness and joy; let our weary bones rejoice!
ALL Help our sins to not take root again; wipe away all our misdeeds and mistakes.
ONE Create in us a clean heart, O God; put a new, faithful spirit deep within us.
ALL Cast us not away from Your presence!
ONE Don’t take Your Holy Spirit away from us!
ALL Restore to us the joy of Your salvation; sustain us with noble and willing spirits. Amen.