Worship September 4, 2021


IMPORTANT: Please submit your contact information via our new website contact page at Contact.HollywoodAdventist.org. You will receive periodic church newsletter updates and relevant health-related announcements.

ORDER OF SERVICE // September 4, 2021 

  • Prelude // Worship Team 


  • Welcome // RJ

  • Song // Worship Team / Holy Spirit

  • Praying the Word // Joey (one) / Merlinda (all) / Psalm 91 (read along online)

  • Song // Worship Team / Whole Heart / How Great Thou Art


  • Hollywood Life // Kirsten

  • Offering Call // Mae

  • Song // Worship Team / Communion


  • Sermon // Bill / An Image of Jesus / Revelation 1


  • Closing Song // Worship Team / Run to the Father

  • Benediction // Bill

  • Postlude // Worship Team


SEPTEMBER SERIES. My Church, My Reflection: Jesus & the Churches of Revelation (Revelation 1-3). The revelator John, in vision, is shown seven churches spread across space and time, each faced with different challenges and circumstances, yet all attended to by the same Jesus. As we investigate each image, which reflects our own personal situation? Which church does our community most resonate with? What promises and aspects of Jesus are being declared for us today?


SABBATH SCHOOL. Our Adult Sabbath School classes have resumed their 10 am start time on Sabbath morning.  They are a hybrid in person and Zoom class for those worshipping remotely.  If you would like to join a Sabbath morning class, please email info@hollywoodsda.org and you will be directed to the teachers.

IN MEMORY. In loving memory of our friend, Jeffrey Bjornberg, we are hosting a memorial service at our church on September 11 at 3pm. Please join us to celebrate this extraordinary person. He is sincerely missed.

DEVOTIONAL SERIES. “The Red Letters of Jesus” will be hosted online by the administrators of our Southern California Conference October 2-9. Visit the Facebook event for more information - https://facebook.com/events/s/the-red-letters-of-jesus/540962600594728/


  • Mid-Week Gathering // Wednesdays, 7-8pm - Go to Zoom.HollywoodAdventist.org or enter the room ID 931-208-5575

  • Other Zoom Ministry Gatherings // Family Ministries, Men's Ministry, The Well (Women’s Ministry), Sabbath Morning Adult Quarterly and Faithbuilders Classes, please email info@hollywoodsda.org.

PRAYER. If you need prayer, email us at pray@hollywoodsda.org.

CAN’T HEAR EASILY? Do you need access to amplified audio to hear the in-person worship program better? Ask a Connect Team member at the lobby doors and they will loan you one of the three audio assist devices we have available. You can use your own 3.5mm plug earbuds or borrow a headset.

GIVE ONLINE. Your support makes an eternal difference. You can give your tithes and offering online through AdventistGiving. Checks can be mailed directly to us at 1711 N. Van Ness Ave., Hollywood, CA 90028; please specify “Tithe” or “Local Church Offering” in the memo line. AdventistGiving.Org


  • Support on Kickstarter a new book written by Alicia Johnston, The Bible and LGBTQ Adventists. Visit her website for more information: www.aliciajohnston.com

  • SDA Kinship is an organization providing support and community for LGBTQ+ Adventists and their families. Contact Kirsten Salvador for more information,  salvadkj@gmail.com on how to connect with them as an individual, family member or ally. www.sdakinship.org 

  • If you are a parent of a child (of any age) who is in the process of coming out or already has come out, join Kirsten in a support group each month on the third Sunday at 9:30 am PST.  Led by Kinship Friends & Family coordinators, John & Carolyn Wilt.

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR COMPASSION CONNECTION. Do you have clothes you don’t need anymore? We maintain a donation-based clothing closet to provide freshly washed clothes to our shower guests needing a clean change. We are in constant need of new and gently used t-shirts, pants, socks, and new underwear for all genders. For donations during COVID-19 social distancing and closure mandate, please contact the church office by phone: (323) 462-0010 or email: info@hollywoodsda.org. Thank you for supporting our church’s ministry! 

DAY OF SERVICE. Our team is planning a day of service with showers, clothing, haircuts, and more together with support from our community partners. The event will be Saturday afternoon, September 18, in the church parking lot with setup starting at 2pm. If you need these resources, know people who do, or you would like to help out please speak with Andrew in the lobby after the service today.

PHONES OUT ON SABBATH. Join the church discord server to keep in touch with other members of the community. Sabbath mornings you can connect with people worshipping remotely. Staying connected to each other can be difficult even as we transition back to being more in person. discord.hollywoodadventist.org.


Worship September 11, 2021


Worship August 28, 2021