Where God’s Spirit is given space to change lives.

We Worship Together

All are welcome. Thank you for being a part of your church in Hollywood. We are more than a building or a service, we are a community centered on Jesus Christ!

View This Week’s Bulletin & Watch Previous Services

Saturdays at 11am

We worship together in-person and online. In-person masking is optional. Feeling sick? Vulnerable health condition? Please stay home and join us for worship live-streamed online.

God’s love is broader and deeper than we can fathom—even when it comes in purple.

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Fellowship and membership in God’s church should be open and generous. We are committed to the ongoing work of making this space fully inclusive.

As a missional church, we’re not going it alone. We’ve got partners—and hot showers.

We’re extending the friendship and hospitality of God without judgment and condemnation. This means fearlessly loving the least, the last and the lost in Christ’s name. Compassion Connection offers reservable shower slots to unhoused and low income guests.

100 Years of Loving Hollywood

We have a rich history of providing space where people’s needs are met and faith is renewed. Despite the ongoing concerns of living and loving during a pandemic, we continue our God-given calling to serve our community with the resources we’ve been given.